
Это ментальная упаковка
с шуршащим бантиком.
Её содержимое покоряет рынок
и сердца, требующие зрелищ.

Это слоган, шрифты, обложка, логотип, рекламные площадки.

Это уникальный стиль, без которого продукт теряется среди конкурентов.

There is no relationship in the world more complicated and more interesting than the relationship between the consumer and the brand.
In the end, one of you will change and life will never be the same.
You loved it last spring, admired its logo, supported common goals, and believed the brand was always right.
What has changed in a year?
Начинали, как обычный стартап.
Но время идёт, бизнес расширяется, появляются новые задачи.

Вы стремитесь к перспективам и уже успели охватить несколько крутых направлений.
And even scare.
played enough
You started as a usual startup.
But time passes, business expands, new tasks appear.
If you are ready to move forward and the ad is the same, there will be no success.
The logo is depressing, the slogan does not convince, the goals are not justified

The relationship with the brand is at an impasse.
If a brand is not relevant and makes you want to throw a knitted napkin on it under the track of the past century, there is only one way out - rebranding.
It’s time for changes
In touch
Have a task? Let's talk
Have a task? Let's talk